Emily Serafy-Cox
for School Committee Ward 3, Northampton
A Fresh Vision for Our Schools
October 5, 2019
Western Mass Area Labor Federation Endorses Emily!
"The WMALF encourages all Ward 3 voters to cast
their vote for Emily Serafy-Cox this election day because of her strong positions in support of
policies that benefit educators, students and working people in their community.
September 7, 2019
Campaign Playdate
Volunteer Day!
Saturday Sept 7th, 1-3pm
Meet at Bridge Street School Playground
Kids welcome! Refreshments!
Join together with your friends and neighbors to support the campaign while the kids play! Refreshments, and a variety of volunteer opportunities will be included in this fun afternoon at the Bridge Street School Playground. We hope to see you there. Spread the word - all are welcome!
May 4, 2019
Showing Our Pride!
Emily and family joined in festivities during the annual Northampton Pride Parade and Festival.
"I simply adore our Pride parade. It's so community oriented and focused on the youth. I was remarking with a friend how different things were when we were in middle and high school, how there were only a brave few who came out, and how we sheepishly attended pride. Seeing these young people proud of who they are or spring their friends, parents, and Gaimi's was so inspiring. I know things are hard for kids these days, but I'm glad to know a few things are just a little bit easier."
May 16, 2019
Rally to Fund Our Future
Our students can’t afford another year of funding shortfalls and budget cuts. On May 16, educators, students and community members are speaking out for our students and demanding that our legislators take action on two key education funding bills, the Promise Act and the Cherish Act. More info...